I'm doing it since there's a difference between conquering and ruling. Todar Mal: Your Majesty, why are you doing this? Roaming in the bazaar without guards is dangerous. Be one with their heartbeat! And the day you will succeed in doing that, you will rule my heart. To do that, you need to look into their minds, discover their little pleasures and sorrows. But the truth is that you are far removed from reality. you should have at least tried to know what really happened. Jodhaa Bai: That you have only conquered me, but not won my heart yet. Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar: What did you say?
#Jodha akbar cast how to#
Jodhaa Bai: No, you don't! You know how to wage war and conquer. The show focuses on how their political marriage brings love between them to an extent that it changed the fate of India. A sixteenth century political marriage of convenience between a Mughal emperor Akbar and a Rajput princess Jodha Bai. Jodha lays down her conditions - she wants to retain her religion, and she wants a place in the palace to create a small alcove for her god, Krishna. Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar: I don't understand? Jodha Akbar: With Rajat Tokas, Paridhi Sharma, Manish Bishla, Kunal Khosla. The film shows that Jodha was not exactly excited by the prospect of marrying Akbar, and Akbar too was not starry-eyed of marrying the stranger princess. The daughter of King Bharmal of Amer, Jodhaa resented being reduced to a mere political pawn in this marriage of alliance, and Akbar's biggest challenge now did not merely lie in winning battles, but in winning the love of Jodhaa - a love hidden deep below resentment and extreme prejudice.

But little did Akbar know that when he married Jodhaa, a fiery Rajput princess, in order to further strengthen his relations with the Rajputs, he would in turn be embarking upon a new journey - the journey of true love. Through a shrewd blend of tolerance, generosity and force, Akbar won the allegiance of the Rajputs, the most belligerent Hindus. Politically, success knew no bounds for Emperor Akbar, After having secured the Hindu Kush, he furthered his realm by conquest until his empire extended from Afghanistan to the Bay of Bengal, and from the Himalayas to the Godhavari River. Jodhaa Akbar is a sixteenth century love story about a marriage of alliance that gave birth to true love between a great Mughal Emperor, Akbar and a Rajput princess, Jodhaa.